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> My computer is a XP3000+ @2222MHz, it does approx. 4 WU's on 1 day. So my > reserve is just 2 days once I have...
5th April 2005
> Has someone a solution? I'm sorry, but your only real option is to subscribe to other projects so you can get...
4th April 2005
> I am wondering how is the recent average credit is calculated by the > Einstien@Home. Even though my Total credit...
4th April 2005
RPFT, A couple of points:- 1. When the message you are responding to is lengthy and your response is just a few...
31st March 2005
> A quote from Matt Lebofsky of Seti@Home to support mine/our case that > resources are being wasted just so that...
31st March 2005