Gary Roberts commented on 50,079.83 ! Beware DogBytes!
> > Ya'll need to watch out, because I have a surprize about to be released
> :)
> >
> >
8th April 2005
Gary Roberts commented on uploads don't show
> OK. I'll stop. No, one more question: how did you find out things
> like that the results link takes you to only...
8th April 2005
> Or "System Idol Process" and hope lysdexia doesn't point out the difference
> ;-
LOL!! I just love that idea...
7th April 2005
Gary Roberts commented on uploads don't show
> Gary, you say that the actual WU my machine did (and got credit for) was
> 641985. Why can't I find that under "...
7th April 2005
Gary Roberts commented on Too many units downloaded
> My connect to network interval is 1 day and has been set to that for more than
> a month. The problem is that a...
7th April 2005
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