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Huh, I don't seem to be having any issues with them.  I have 8 cpu threads busy with O2MD1 cpu tasks while I crunch the...
10th November 2019
What you name your computer on your internal network is invisible to anybody but you.  Only the computer ID that BOINC...
4th November 2019
Yes, it always depends on the science apps and a lot of times on the type of task.  Back in the day, you could run 3,4 or 5...
31st October 2019
Think it is doable.  I have had both Seti and MW set up for 0.5 count at times and have had both the Seti task running...
31st October 2019
All my validate errors I have lost out to two GWnew 2.00 cpu tasks against my GW 2.02 gpu app. My validate error tasks have...
31st October 2019