Recent posts

littleBouncer started discussion ATTN with CC 4.22!
Had some suspicious things after upgrading. I could upload a result but not report it! For that I had to downgrade (to...
18th February 2005
> Had a suspicious end of a EAH-WU. > (9 hours 48 min. CPU-time) > > CC 4.19, WinXP-Pro, Appl. 4.79 >...
14th February 2005
Test the tag (@LC and Sir SB): advanced LIGO LISA greetz from Switzerland littleBouncer
13th February 2005
I posted this (trouble with screensaver)several times before ( first at pirates ). Never got any replies (eher im...
13th February 2005
littleBouncer started discussion Appl. 4.79 Problem!
Had a suspicious end of a EAH-WU. (9 hours 48 min. CPU-time) CC 4.19, WinXP-Pro, Appl. 4.79 Message: Einstein@Home...
13th February 2005