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Quote:Too sleepy for this time of the morning. Looks like you picked a bad day to give up amphetamines : ) Bill
24th February 2016
Quote:GPU temp is 44 C. That is excellent ! My Amd card runs Hot at 67 Celsius ( I'll have to shut it down...
22nd February 2016
Bill592 commented on amd r9 nano
Quote:If anyone's interested in the performance of Fury X, I have just attached to this host: https://einsteinathome....
22nd February 2016
Quote:It is running now an Einstein GPU task. SETI GPU tasks ended OK and I readmitted Einstein tasks. Maybe the...
22nd February 2016
Quote:I got 361.91 from the nVidia site and is crunching Astropulse tasks, using also Open CL. Einstein GPU tasks have...
20th February 2016