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That Drone is Cool ) Bill
2nd March 2016
Bill592 commented on amd r9 nano
Quote:I have upgraded to 16.2.1 and all is well. I still think that the usage is fluctuating too much and too much CPU...
2nd March 2016
Bill592 commented on amd r9 nano
Quote: What driver are you using? My first run on my R9 390x using Cat 15.7 had run times ~36 min like your R9 Nano...
2nd March 2016
Quote:And why the shorter (1 week) deadline for GWO1? Gravitational Wave search O1 all-sky tuning is still in Beta...
1st March 2016
Bill592 commented on Milestones VI
Nice Work Dan ! Congratulations ! Now, from henceforth, you will be 'required' to double your credit total every 15...
29th February 2016