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I have used a Pentium PII Deschutes at 400 MHz to run SETI@home, Einstein@home and BBC Experiment from 2004 to 2008, when...
5th May 2016
Maybe Elon Musk will sell so many Tesla electric cars to cover the cost of SpaceX. He has a huge backlog of orders and...
14th April 2016
tullio commented on LARES
A full page article on La Repubblica yesterday says that the result has been published on a scientific Journal. I suspect...
13th April 2016
tullio commented on LARES
According to Giovanni Bignami of the Italian National Astrophysics Institution (INAF) Lares has demonstrated frame...
13th April 2016
As I said elsewhere, Obama was right in opening space to private firms. Tullio
10th April 2016