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Quote:I had it on in the background for most of the broadcast. The early parts with a lot of back slapping and...
2nd December 2005
tullio commented on GRB on November 3
Quote:Quote:But I do not understand the reference to the train. Where was it, in Louisiana, Washington State or...
1st December 2005
Quote:Quote:The best non technical book on GR I"ve come across is "The riddle of gravitation" by Peter G.Bergmann, a...
1st December 2005
Quote:Quote: So there is currently no answer to my question, which would explain why I'm having a hard time...
30th November 2005
tullio commented on GRB on November 3
Quote:Wow, there was a nice notice of moderation from E@H in my inbox. I'm grateful, especially with the benefit of...
29th November 2005