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tullio commented on Light bulb jokes.
Quote:Quote:Quote: Oh Tullio, electrical power is not expensive at all in Tehran, not because we have nuclear...
17th January 2006
tullio commented on Light bulb jokes.
Quote: Normally I used a 200Watt/230Volt light bulb to light my room.But someday when I turned on the commutator,...
16th January 2006
Quote:Quote:I have a few noobie questions here, first what the heck are gravity waves, what causes them, and do they...
14th January 2006
Quote:I have a few noobie questions here, first what the heck are gravity waves, what causes them, and do they have...
14th January 2006
tullio commented on Windows Vs. Linux
Quote:I have read that work times on a linux based system is longer than the windows OS. I would like to set up a...
13th January 2006