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Noting also an oddity in BOINC’s Transfer pane—all show 100% progress, but more bytes uploaded than are apparently in...
30th March 2015
Possibly; the QP I mentioned above is on Win v7 … in my case I’m pretty sure the cause was not contention for CPU time...
3rd December 2014
I noticed task Nº466453803 on my MacBook hadn’t progressed past 95.666% in a couple of days, then observed it looping...
2nd December 2014
Odysseus commented on No work for G4s
Thanks for the response (and to Bernd for the Tech News posting). Quote:[…]Sorry, there are no plans to support...
8th May 2012
Odysseus started discussion No work for G4s
For quite some time now (I haven’t been checking things often recently, so I’m not sure just how long) none of my G4...
7th May 2012