Recent posts

Yes, you all are right about quantum mechanics and general relativity. I'm trying to stay in time with any news about this...
15th August 2007
We anticipate to receive high quality signals from highly relativistic objects as often as once per day with Advanced LIGO...
11th August 2007
Yesterday, Jul 30, my 2.13 core 2 running WinXP suddenly drops down 21 WU with a client error with no obvious reason. Now...
31st July 2007
I'm not receiving new WU's for about 14 days or more. Somewhere here I've heard that this is just because longterm debt...
5th August 2005
Quote: Is it downloading the SAME 6MB file each time (l1_XXXX.X) or a different one? It is downloading then new...
30th July 2005