Stranger7777 commented on How the sun shines
This is really interesting. 7 years ago I wrote a small program that calculates the dense, pressure and temperature of a...
3rd September 2007
Stranger7777 commented on Why wouldn't we start S6 search right now?
So, we are looking with more and more sensitivity deeper and deeper into the sky each day. But! We are looking for...
3rd September 2007
Stranger7777 commented on Why wouldn't we start S6 search right now?
Thanks a lot for links. I started to read them yesterday, but haven't enough time even to finish the first PDF. But I try...
1st September 2007
Stranger7777 commented on Why wouldn't we start S6 search right now?
That's great! But the question is still on: why not to wait when the most sensitive instrument will be designed, installed...
29th August 2007
Stranger7777 commented on Why wouldn't we start S6 search right now?
Yes, again. We will understand better whether GW exist or not. But...
I have a simple suggestion that comes to my mind...
28th August 2007
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