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Laryea started discussion Proxy connect
Just have to get some now how and why info about that :-) should i make such coonection and why? please explain do not...
24th February 2005
Are you using the latest Boinc version (4.19)? If so then there could be something wrong with Einstein@home server.
20th February 2005
Laryea commented on Launched!!
On my behalf, i also want to Congratulate Einstein@home for the good job and thanks to you, that i got the chance of Beta...
19th February 2005
Laryea started discussion Fstats??? please explain
ats.Ha: bytecount 1739395 checksum 83198849 Fstats.Hb: bytecount 2411759 checksum 115407711Link
16th February 2005
Laryea commented on BOINCnotifier
Very nice and handy program you have managed to make there :-) It will be a very usefull tool for me. Thanks anyway
12th February 2005