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gentoo is optimized for Your CPU (i686 at least) including the kernel, which in fact can make those 10%...
23rd August 2005
Well, that's seems true. I have dual PIII machine. On one CPU I run wine+boinc, on the second pure linux client. reults:...
23rd August 2005 started discussion CPU usage limit
I know I could use Threadmaster, but it would e nice if cpu limiting was implemented in E@H (or maybe should be in boinc...
28th July 2005
I'm about leaving the E@H community, and I also would like my account to be deleted. It's a shame, that E@H people haven't...
9th July 2005
Are You are using wine + boinc4win ? I observed the same thing myself, but I gave up. I thougt this is only wine issue.
6th July 2005