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Quote:It means about 100MB/month, and that about 1000 hosts run these clients. :-) Definitely way more than 1000. I...
2nd May 2006
Please don't misunderstand my question, I'm not mad about it, I'm just curious. If a project changes the settings of a...
2nd May 2006
Yesterday I got some special WUs for Albert 4.37, running twice as long and with an initial replication of 6(!) but still...
2nd May 2006
Ananas commented on New Bug found?!?!
Maybe BOINC runs as a service or screensaver too? If that is on hold and you start the BOINCmgr then, it seems to start...
2nd May 2006
Ananas commented on Ran out of WUs
Subtracting only 0.2 from the used-up quota for short WUs would help a bit too. It should not be a daily quota though...
2nd May 2006