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Quote:... Plus, I doubt it's all that likely to hit that many short ones at once again. I think it actually is...
5th June 2006
When a project requests something, the BOINC devs grow ears that they do not have when just a cruncher requests something.
5th June 2006
Ananas started discussion Enhanced results.php
I'd like to see this in results.php (bold lines) : db_init(); $hostid = get_int("hostid", true); $userid = get_int("...
5th June 2006
Thanks, I'll try S41.07 first I didn't change the configuration. It's even way too cold for this time of the year here...
5th June 2006
Ananas started discussion r1_1449 problem series
hostid=581385 and one of my boxes, hostid=498208 share a couple of error results from r1_1449 lately. Some people get...
3rd June 2006