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Ananas commented on Optomized S5 SSE3
Pirates doesn't have WUs at the moment, maybe they could help out for beta testing
26th June 2006
Ananas commented on Optomized S5 SSE3
I aborted all WUs I had - but I cannot access all computers now :-/ Two PCs @ work I will not be able to access before...
26th June 2006
Ananas commented on I get no WU more
I think, the Einstein server sends a specific message for the case that none of the applications referred to by app_info....
23rd June 2006
When the validator decides "Checked, but no consensus yet", it would be necessary to increase the quorum for that work...
23rd June 2006
Ananas commented on Optomized S5 SSE3
First valid results with S5T0002.dat on a 2xAthlon MP2600+ No invalid ones so far, the others are pending / not checked...
23rd June 2006