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Quote:It is a null-terminated string. And yes, it's possible that the data or part of it is outdated. I wouldn't rely...
2nd February 2008
Quote:(void*)boinc_graphics_get_shmem("EinsteinHS") returns a pointer to a shared memory segment into which the main...
2nd February 2008
Quote:More information on how to make and test screen saver graphics, can be read on Eric Myers' BOINC Developers'...
2nd February 2008
Does BoincSpy use only the GUI RPCs, or does it also look at the client_state.xml file?
23rd October 2007
Quote:2007-10-22 12:50:25.7318 [PID=27627] [normal ] Processing request [HOST#1033671] [RPC#9] core client version...
23rd October 2007