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Quote: It's true that mathematics are used in Constructions , Destructions and Measurements . Sometimes they are...
1st April 2006
Quote:I've heard of it, never gone beyond the reading, though. Must say, Nice Work! Don't know that I'd go so far as...
1st April 2006
Right, so a friend mentioned a graphics utility called POV-Ray (Persistence of Vision Raytracer) and I've just traced my...
1st April 2006
'Facilis descensus Averno; sed ad auras evadere est labor!' - Virgil, Aeneid, VI, 126 (I have a nifty little 'Latin...
31st March 2006
Quote:The Cheapest of Cheaper(s) should go to hell ! (Oh ! I forgot the Q and its"trouduc"). Ariane, the Q happens...
30th March 2006