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no wonder i didnt notice it with my vision, S5R1 and S5RI look exactly alike. talk about confuseing -.- edit: i should...
18th January 2007
Quote: (..snip..) 16/01/2007 10:03:06|einstein@home|Message from server: Server can't open database 16/01/2007 10:03:...
16th January 2007
try this... or if that dosent work try http://nemocam.phys.uwm.eduand click the "view...
12th December 2006
paul milton commented on No work
Quote:After the mishappening on the Einstein server 24-25 november six of my jobs went to completions. I have now, 48...
26th November 2006
paul milton started discussion thank you
i would like to say thank you to the project devs. during the recent downtime you folks kept us informd of the situation...
25th November 2006