Recent posts

Good news:  I have been able to get the Vega 8 GPU to work with Ubuntu 20.04.  There is bad news, but let me walk through...
7th February 2022
I did want to restart it, but I am not hanging out on the boards like I used to.  I'll bring everyone up to date with what...
16th January 2022
I just remembered I never tried Tom's method to install the drivers.  That is, with Ubuntu 18.04, Kernel 5.4, and the 21....
6th June 2021
Sorry I haven't written in awhile.  I have not had the time to work on this with enough time to focus (I still don't, but...
5th June 2021
So, I ended up downgrading to 18.04, and my APU is detected!  That is the good news, the bad news is I an getting...
12th May 2021