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Bill started discussion Einstein disk usage growing
I haven't tracked this problem closely, but I suspect that Einstein is using more and more disk space.  One of my systems...
19th May 2020
I guess I should have clarified.  I recently signed up to be on the alpha list a few weeks ago, and I didn't get any...
14th August 2019
And here I downloaded it last night on my spare Seti computer.  I'm surprised I haven't seen a post either there or on the...
14th August 2019
I had this error code once, but it was for a gpu where the estimated task completion time was calculated to be 0:00, and...
10th July 2019
I wanted to see if my Intel HD Graphics 630 would crunch Einstein, so I have my iGPU enabled in Einstein.  However, I am not...
3rd June 2019