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Quote:Imagine that the Plank's constant is much larger (~ 10^-4) and the speed of light is much smaller (~ the speed...
21st August 2006
Quote:data which is not yet finished being collected so is not on the server yet(*). ...... (*) or if it is, then...
14th August 2006
Quote:Thanks for taking the time to look that over, Mike. I didn't see an issue with solicitation of funds since he...
4th August 2006
Slartibartfast: I'd rather be happy than right any day. Arthur: Well, are you happy? Slartibartfast: No ...... and that's...
4th August 2006
Quote:I happened to run across 'Modulated Quantum Neutron Fusion', and therein is a 'Comprehensive Unification Theory...
3rd August 2006