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... that was also my thinking - but one never knows ... I'll report it to AVIRA, just for the sake of it, and then delete...
16th May 2018
G.R.: Thanks again for your successfull effort of detailed explaining. I am aware of the possible settings. I had hoped to...
16th May 2018
Just curious, if this is something serious or just an overdetection: BOINC\ProgrammData\slots\1\boinc_task_state.xml...
15th May 2018
Gary Roberts wrote:San-Fernando-Valley wrote:... I had suspended all CPU WUs (not the project). Were you suspending tasks...
15th May 2018
Ace Casino wrote:Maybe you don't need any more GPU's right now. Look in your BOINC Event log and see if it says: "Not...
7th May 2018