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Rebooting the host computer had no effect. I tried a few more things, but what ended up fixing the issue was removing the...
1st July 2019
n12365 started discussion Unexpected RX570 behavior
I recently replaced two GTX1060s with two RX570s and initially was very happy with the performance.  The run time for the...
30th June 2019
Bernd Machenschalk wrote:Instead we are thinking aboiut adding another possibility to access your personal statistics...
7th June 2018
Thanks for all the replies.  For now, keeping a monitor attached to one of the GPUs has solved the problem.  HDMI dummy...
3rd March 2017
n12365 started discussion AMD RX480 without a monitor
I recently purchased a pair of MSI RX480s and am having problems running a custom fan profile.  I am using MSI Afterbunder...
26th February 2017