Recent posts

Gary Charpentier wrote:Is there an auto logout now? I do not believe there is an auto-logout.
29th August 2016
@Arachae86, Thanks for the heads up on the BBcode problem.   In the meantime,  you can go to the "Format" box and select...
29th August 2016
Richie_9 wrote:I jumped on this one too. I chose to install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 (64-bit), but I haven't...
29th August 2016
Der Mann mit der Ledertasche wrote:Hi Shawn,the 2nd Problem was solved after the first WU was returned! Even the Host...
26th August 2016
Der Mann mit der Ledertasche wrote:Hi Staff,1stslowly I'm getting confused. I'm log in the Forum, search for an Article...
26th August 2016