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wujj123456 wrote:Is there a CPU equivalence of the current VelaJr1 app? Sure. At...
9th December 2019
That other host is getting GW GPU tasks for Nvidia. This host instead can't get any GW GPU tasks because Boinc says this...
8th December 2019
floyd wrote:At least part of that is caused by lack of GPU memory. Some tasks take 1.5GiB now, maybe there are peaks even...
7th December 2019
Richie commented on GPU load 70%
What type of work was your computer running months ago? I see there's still one FGRPB1G task from '12 Nov 2019' on its tasks...
7th December 2019
These Vela tasks really are challenging for many hosts to run well enough that results would validate. I picked up only WUs...
4th December 2019