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Zalster wrote:Why not move your SSD? It is in the coolest part of the case now, i guess i could get a really long...
3rd June 2017
I have been logging the SSD temperature every 10 minutes for one of my crunchers for over 12 months.  it's located at the...
3rd June 2017
Shawn Kwang wrote:AgentB, this link is broken.  Yes it is, in my excitement ...  let me retry  Comparison of the...
2nd June 2017
CRS-11 Technical Webcast in about 1 hour. While you wait there is always the ISS HD feed it's quite mesmerizing on Nasa...
1st June 2017
Woooooop!  (pun intended) in the news and some nice video from Max-Planck-Institut Gravitational waves: Third detection of...
1st June 2017