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Quote:Shortly, I'll replace the 2x2GB with 2x4GB and perhaps see a further difference. I also have a 16GB kit lying...
25th January 2015
Quote: I'd be very interested if anyone can suggest how and why 2x2GB RAM config is having such a negative impact on...
24th January 2015
Thanks for the suggestions MrS and Logforme Quote: ... And you'd still be limited by PCIe 2. Yes MrS... which...
12th January 2015
AgentB started discussion AMD 7990 - suggestions?
I have come across a 7990 - I haven´t seen much discussion about these. I´m not sure if this is a good or bad piece of...
11th January 2015
Apologies if it´s posted elsewhere - but congratulations again E@H! J1953+28 Looking at
5th January 2015