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Quote:If you look at AgentB's units he is running them in the 5700 second range on an AMD 7990 gpu, BUT if he is...
21st August 2015
Quote:I was trying to find the fastest single GPU rigs, but i didn't found a more efficient way than scrolling through...
20th August 2015
AgentB commented on AMD Fury GPU
I don't see any recent GPU tasks. I guess these are the invalid ones. If you look at the "Validate error" tasks, (...
19th August 2015
Quote: Here at Einstein all workunits has a quorum of 2. So if you return a task late and only your initial wingman...
17th August 2015
Quote:Quote:I am about to miss my deadline on 2 tasks that have been running for 10 and 7 hrs. They have 2 and 2.75...
16th August 2015