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Cherokee150 commented on Upload issues
By the way, please -do NOT- abort your uploads! That is -NOT- the problem. Aborting your uploads also aborts your tasks...
3rd January 2021
Cherokee150 commented on Upload issues
I may have missed someone already identifying the source of the upload problem.  Otherwise, this might help. I noticed...
3rd January 2021
Hi! I can use some help For over three weeks I have only been getting work for Gamma Ray (hsgamma_FGRPB1G).  Are...
14th June 2020
About 50% of the work I was receiving was O2, but I haven't received any O2 work for almost three weeks.  I was tweaking...
12th June 2020
Is it possible that they have stopped generating Gravitational Wave work because their paper on it was accepted?  Is there...
31st May 2020