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Binary Radio Pulsar Task p2030.20160622.G46.71-01.46.N.b3s0g0.00000_476_1 progress stopped at 48.634% but status shows it...
14th March 2022
I do not post very often but after after reading this, I thought it could be of general interest to Einstein users that...
4th April 2018
Thank you sir for your kind words. They are appreciated. Wish 2018 to be a successful year of many detections for Einstein@...
4th January 2018
Thanks Mike, I suggest that this matter be incorporated into the FAQ. As mentioned, I've been a BOINC user for some...
4th June 2011
Mike, This is my literal interpretation of the message that I asked about, but since after 3 days it is becoming...
4th June 2011