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mikey wrote: Peter Hucker wrote: Ian&Steve C. wrote:I see 34,000 Ready to Send. seems ok. that's more than all the...
19th May 2020
Ian&Steve C. wrote:I see 34,000 Ready to Send. seems ok. that's more than all the others combined. but even if it's...
19th May 2020
Ian&Steve C. wrote: Peter Hucker wrote: P.S. the Einstein server status shows an ever diminishing queue for GW. ...
19th May 2020
Ian&Steve C. wrote: FYI I switched that system to run a mix of gamma ray and gravity wave. It’s not pure GW anymore...
19th May 2020
Tom M wrote: Peter, I looked at your system list.  IOMMU is specific to the Amd Bios.  Since you don't appear to have...
19th May 2020