Mr P Hucker commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
Tom M wrote:
Preliminary results with an Amd Radeon 5700 on GW gpu indicate almost not change in processing speeds from...
20th May 2020
Mr P Hucker commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
Ian&Steve C. wrote:
I don't know how you don't understand this.
it has nothing to do with your wingmen or youtube...
20th May 2020
Mr P Hucker commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
Ian&Steve C. wrote:
weird stuff happens when you run out of video memory and produce computation errors.
20th May 2020
Mr P Hucker commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
tullio wrote:
Watching GW GPU tasks on my BOINC manager I see a curious thing. Progress rises very rapidly up about 14...
20th May 2020
Mr P Hucker commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
robl wrote:
Grin. Maybe it is encrypted - white on white?
Pah! Easy to read that by highlighting everything (...
20th May 2020
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