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Quote:6 of the 7 are now working. I borked up the q6600 and ran out of quota, so I guess it'll run WCG for a day....
25th May 2008
Two reasons: First, the SSE2 executable file doesn't have executable permissions set. Use the "chmod a+x" command for...
24th May 2008
Quote:Good news: S5R3 search will be finished in 40 days with the power of new hosts and users. :) Yeah, the new...
24th May 2008
Quote:Hi Dudes, Damm, this distro don't have root account, so u need to sudo anything, not Actually, Ubuntu...
22nd May 2008
Quote:Quote:Two million Einstein cobblestones! Hoo-rah! Well done Donald!! :-) Seeing that you're going at Mach 13...
21st May 2008