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Tony DeBari started discussion New BRP3 CUDA apps
I just saw this in Tech News, posted 18 Feb 2011 18:13:25 UTC by Bernd: Quote:A new series of CUDA Apps for Windows...
19th February 2011
Quote:Quote:OK, here are some numbers for a GTX470 and Linux 64Bit: Load Time 55% 0h55m for 1 WU 79% 1h15m for 2...
12th February 2011
Quote:i have two, that's why i'm asking. one in x16 slot and another in x8. In that configuration it is very likely...
9th February 2011
Quote:Quote:Thanks for reporting this. I forwarded this to the admins. I am not sure this is related but in fact,...
2nd October 2010
Quote:Thanks for reporting this. I forwarded this to the admins. I am not sure this is related but in fact, there is...
1st October 2010