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Yeah, same. I'd rather have an opt out option vs it being that way as default. I know my teams #1 in credit cruncher for E@H...
21st December 2018
One other thing is that the daily credit for the users on a team doesn't add up to the daily team credit since some users...
20th December 2018
mountkidd wrote:I have two hosts that are running Boinc 7.6.33 and are hitting the daily quota limit very early in the day...
20th December 2018
Is E@H looking at the data file and saying what's causing the error? I'd figure as end users we would more likely get an...
18th December 2018
I am getting an event message saying its 512 daily tasks and I'm already through nearly 200 of them as my queue is cut short...
18th December 2018