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MilkyWay is also down hard. Crazy weekend if 3 major GPU projects are down at once.
3rd March 2019
Gotcha, I flipped through a couple of tabs but I guess not far enough through the pages to get to the new tasks.   Edit:...
27th February 2019
shuhui1990 wrote:When running 1x the GPU utilization is 90% constantly. When running 2x/3x the utilization is 95%+. I...
27th February 2019
What is your GPU utilization with 1x task?  By "All of these GPUs have enough CPU resources." do you mean there is an open...
27th February 2019
The RX series (as well as VEGA really) have been great E@H cards for the upfront cost and power consumption. I'm ignoring...
27th February 2019