Recent posts have added E@H as one of their three "Projects of the month"... Prepare for blast off, after BGB January...
1st January 2013
With POEM ceasing WU production, expect it to get even busier ! dunx
28th November 2012
My two year old rig was bought as 2nd hand parts, Asus P6T7WS Revolution, i7 960 quad core / 8 thread CPU & 6 Gb DDR3...
29th October 2012
But you can run two instances of the BOINC manager, and configure each to ONLY use one of the graphics cards... HTH...
16th November 2011
dunx commented on Use all six cpu`s?
The following day it now says 0.20 cpu's per GPU ! That's the wonder of BOINC ! dunx
15th November 2011