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Hello all, besides the FAQ here on this page: The (very good) manual for Boinc is the BOINC Powered Projects...
10th April 2005
Saenger commented on Credits
> I agree. I said the same thing on Cafe' Seti. The stats could show WU's > completed and the work credits. The WU...
10th April 2005
> Finally the "summary box" It's done by most of the stats pages off the projects. Look here. My favorite site...
7th April 2005
> I did that adjusting of the network value as well and have upgraded to 4.25 so > I can stop wasting time on WU's...
7th April 2005
You have to increase the 'Connect to network about every (determines size of work cache; maximum 10 days)' in the General...
7th April 2005