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JBird commented on JBird
Haha! Ni! - tbret... I'm up for damnear anything. Just set my config to .33 Parkes on both machines(both in EinPrefs...
17th September 2015
JBird commented on JBird
Heh....OK then *t n *Z But I'm toast for today...sayin g'nite for now. Jump back in manana after cawfee 1
17th September 2015
JBird commented on JBird
PS - Thanks! Glad to be here with y'all - and a Purpose. Speaking there a Thread here I can catch up with?
17th September 2015
JBird commented on JBird
Aw heck now! Been a rilly wacky day. Got my new phone on its way finally - a Blue Droid Turbo and VZ threw in a free LG G...
17th September 2015
Thanks Gary for the 411. Semantics aside, My goal remains re: 1.56 BRP6-Beta-cuda55. I am not *sufficiently configured...
10th July 2015