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Hey, question - Free DC hasn't *moved/changed all day am I looking in the wrong place or somethin? = EDIT> Does it...
21st September 2015
Back at the Ranch here(JBird) and the RAC discussion -I just watched mine jump when a wingman validated and reduced my...
21st September 2015
Aw now...slide down to the #20 position and you'll pickup #7(active here)-ME=JBird bangin away with my TWO GPUs! Hey...
21st September 2015
OK I see 8 GTX 760s on 32 Cores - so it has to be 3x tasks/per - right? or could it be 4x? I dunno about 760 performance...
21st September 2015
Well, using my own 2 machines run here and attempting to analyze/decipher the RAC reporting - it looks like near 50-66% go...
21st September 2015