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JBird commented on Stats? Really?
Quote:They took the servers down this am and brought it back up. "They" meaning - Einstein(servers) I checked...
21st October 2015
JBird commented on Stats? Really?
Upper right corner of the page that comes up: Einstein@Home - GPU Users Group Overview Last Checked : Wed Oct 21, 09:49...
21st October 2015
JBird commented on Stats? Really?
Anyone seen the 10.21 morning Update? Looks like the thing is broken- Here's my 11am and current 1pm: 1021 11a Total...
21st October 2015
JBird commented on Stats? Really?
numbers I'm lookin at are way off for me I had 6140267 at 4-5pm = 920a Total credit 6,127,067 Recent average credit 107,...
21st October 2015
JBird commented on Stats? Really?
5pm Read with config/Performance Notes Total credit 6,171,067 Recent average credit 108,147.52 Pending credit 472.04...
20th October 2015