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JBird commented on Stats? Really?
Ya, cart>horse; dog>tail; cat>mouse Plus Catch 22 AND Murphy
22nd October 2015
JBird commented on Team China
Ah! 445a update here: Total credit 6,501,067 Recent average credit 124,136.30 Pending credit 566.88 of 73 tasks Hope...
22nd October 2015
JBird commented on Team China
Ha! Gonna burn down a couple APs to celebrate... Aw shoot, Einy stole 4 jobs to Pending! At least they weren't Validate...
22nd October 2015
JBird commented on Team China
A speecy, spicy meat-a-ball! Hey Vito, put out the Lamb and a Salumi spread with a plenty a Garlic anda spice eh? Call-...
22nd October 2015
JBird commented on Stats? Really?
Certainly didn't expect a 30 minute lapse in DB servers to take *this long to recover and Update.
22nd October 2015