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Quote:I am running a gamma ray pulsar search task and it arrived at 99.038%. Boinc gives an estimated remaining time,...
19th February 2014
Quote:Quote:Quote: Thank you Claggy. I did what you said and I can do all these steps. But after restarting BOINC (...
16th February 2014
Quote:Well, the log rules out "installed as a service", which was one worry. I'd explore the monitor connection - try...
15th February 2014
Claggy commented on More checkpoints
Another curve ball is that Boinc 7.2.38 introduced the following: client: if app doesn't report fraction done,...
12th February 2014
Quote:app_config.xml: einsteinbinary_BRP5 BRP5-opencl-ati 0.1 0.33 einsteinbinary_BRP5 BRP5-...
12th February 2014