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The rumors about "the return of the Pentium" had been going a long time before the release of the Pentium E for desktops,...
20th August 2007
Quote: But where does this competition stand now? Does one OS consistently beat the other as far as E@H is concerned...
20th August 2007
Yeah, HT can be nice, i would think its better to finish 2 WUs in 66hours instead of 1 WU in 50 hours?
18th August 2007
Ok, so no E2140/2160 yet. BUT, my sis dropped off a lappy here today with a "Pentium Dual-Core" T2080 1.73GHz 1MB...
9th August 2007
Still old revision B3 quads around, so if you buy look for this: Xeon3210 G0: SLACU - (SL9UQ is B3) Xeon3220 G0: SLACT...
6th August 2007