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Skip Da Shu commented on endless w/u!?
> > I've got a work unit (that's missed the deadline), 323454, that seems to > be > > stuck at 100%....
16th February 2005
I want to thank E@H for putting in the restriction. I've wasted many hours calculating away on E@H w/units that never get...
16th February 2005
Skip Da Shu started discussion endless w/u!?
I've got a work unit (that's missed the deadline), 323454, that seems to be stuck at 100%. Estimated time was 7:59:15, it...
16th February 2005
I'm a novice with threadmaster but you might check that you have the app names correct and that a version hasn't changed...
15th February 2005
So sounds like MAYBE E@H might run on my ol' PII/266 w/ 128Mb ????
12th February 2005