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</p> <p>$ dpkg -l | grep -i opencl<br /> ii  boinc-client-opencl                        7.20.5+dfsg+...
19th March 2023
Keith Myers wrote: He asked you to scrub Mesa completely.  So why did you install it again? Mesa drivers do not work...
19th March 2023
from above... note the "//" in the path.  Not sure what that means but I'm suspicious. /usr/local//usr/lib/clc/...
19th March 2023
I scrubbed the AMD stuff and reinstalled Mesa so BOINC sees the card again with the E@H WU getting the original error...
19th March 2023
OK uninstalled and purged... starting over: </p> <p>~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install ./amdgpu-install_5...
18th March 2023