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Gary Roberts wrote: Disclaimer:  I know absolutely nothing about either Ubuntu or Mint, so take the following with a...
20th March 2023
mountkidd wrote: I just checked back through my install logs and found the same 2 "unable to locate pacjage's" with my...
20th March 2023
:-( </p> <p>$ sudo amdgpu-install -y --usecase=opencl --opencl=legacy<br /> [sudo] password for...
19th March 2023
mountkidd wrote: Enjoy the coffee, you've earned it.  You can do another dpkg -l | grep -i opencl just to make sure...
19th March 2023
</p> <p>$ dpkg -l | grep -i opencl<br /> ii  boinc-client-opencl                        7.20.5+dfsg+...
19th March 2023