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There was that bowl of petunias .... There most certainly was, which was Agrajag, whose first conscious thought was "Oh...
23rd August 2017
Title of thread "Well, I walked into that one! :-)" My preference is for more air in my air than vapour. You sure did!!...
23rd August 2017
Chris S commented on Electric vehicles
This month the largest bicycle parking in the world will open in Utrecht (Holland), giving place to 12.5K bicycles. So...
23rd August 2017
Chris S commented on Electric vehicles
Edam is also known as one of the non-gable cheeses as defined by the saying : "Frankly, my dear, I don't give Edam". :-)...
23rd August 2017
I dumped a girlfriend who had it ... there's nothing attractive about people in pain Then the lady had a fortuitous...
23rd August 2017